
Introducing an artist: Jakob Gasteiger

I am really passionate about texture in art. As soon as a piece has some sort of structure - whether through certain materials or simply through splotches of paint- I immediately find it more interesting. There is one specific artist who's work I really admire because he uses color and texture in a way that I find is incredibly interesting and appealing aesthetically. His Name is Jakob Gasteiger and he comes from Austria. He works with paper, paint, aluminium and more and creates sculptures, paintings and installations. 

Gasteiger really inspires me in terms of composition and color besides his use of texture as well, because the colors he uses and the way he combines them in shapes on the canvas is beautiful to look at. In general I am more of a fan of  "few-colors-interesting-shapes" abstract works and he really catches my taste 100%. I would probably name his as my favourite artist at the moment. 

Gasteiger's work is heavily dominated by the technique he uses. They are all abstract. He repeatedly layers the paint and then manipulates it, for example by scraping on it and therefore creating lines. His piece are rather decorative than deep in meaning, but they are simply beautiful to look at. Instead of offering the observer a defined shape, he allows us to interpret his works ourselves. 

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