
Introducing an artist: Mark Rothko

Mark Rothko is a very famous, latvian-born american artist. He passed away in 1970, but his body of work is timeless. He is especially famous for his large, colorful paintings, in which color blocks blur into one another.

Rothko's pieces are dominated by their color. Rothko himself recommended to hang the pieces in dark rooms and to gaze at them from a 45 cm distance - this would bring out the maximum in color, form and effect. However, he did not give many hints in terms of how to interpret his pieces. Instead, he believed that art works have to be mysterious.

I thinkt that many of his pieces are especially significant because of their size. Some of his works are over three meters high. The impact of the blod colors is much greater because of the pieces size. Imagine to have such a work hanging at the back of a room?

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